It is important to SAHJA to celebrate our members and all your achievements each year. Because of our wonderful divisions sponsors, we will be able to confer year-end awards. However, because of restrictions for indoor events due to pandemic control guidelines, this year's award banquet and fundraiser will not be held in person. Instead, we are excited to announce that we will be hosting an online auction fundraiser as well as recognizing our top 10 award winners in a variety of ways on social media.
Call for Donations
Interested in donating an auction item to our upcoming SAHJA online auction? Donors will have their logo, name and link on the online auction site, on the SAHJA website and on social media. Proceeds go toward general services and education programs, like the annual clinic. Email SAHJA to donate or for more information. |
Call for Barn Baskets
Trainers, we are looking for your wonderful Barn Baskets for the SAHJA online auction. Please let us know if your barn will be donating a basket and if you need ideas or help assembling. You may recognize up to 5 additional contributors in your auction listing! Your logo and links will be included. Email us to let us know to expect your basket! |
Share your photos!
We love getting your pictures each year. Please use this form to submit your photos!
General Guidelines:
Upload: Send via Email: To have photo captioned, please email one (1) photo at a time and include the caption in the email subject. |